Employment Law

Bendavid Law’s Team works with our clients to develop employment plans and structures for their companies. Our Firm assists clients confront all issues our clients may encounter as employers. By structuring our clients’ needs, we ensure our clients have the proper non-compete agreements, employment agreements, pay structures and related regulatory compliance needed for their industries. At Bendavid Law, we represent our clients’ needs by representing issues with non-compete agreements, negative covenant litigation, wage and hour class actions, discrimination and wrongful discharge claims. Our Team continuously worked for years on creating employment structures, and when needed, litigating actions from small employment actions, to large class actions over wage and hour, employee discrimination, and independent contractor status litigation. Our Firm represents our clients in employment litigation, whether brought by single plaintiffs, multiple plaintiffs, and massive purported class actions. We have successfully represented our clients’ interest in all such matters, including winning dismissals, summary judgments, as well as defeating motions for class certification. By working closely with our clients, we are able to quickly and successfully represent their interests in matters dealing with unlawful competition, trade secret misappropriation, and covenants not to compete. Our Firm works with our clients to build effective labor structures that best suits their industry. We provide a specific structure regarding personnel decisions, employment agreements, policies and procedures, as well as need future planning.